The Puny Pundit

Musings of a big guy with small thoughts.

I Love Golf Too Much (Part 1)

Two weeks ago my brother and I made plans to play golf.  These days I have been taking Thursday as my day off from church so we were set to play.  Every Wednesday we host a small group from our church that meets at our home for dinner, discussion, and prayer.  Every Wednesday we have to clean the house and prepare food (which these days means ordering take-out).  The day before my golf outing, my wife was doing the dishes, vacuuming the house, putting away laundry, setting the table, sweeping the floors, cleaning the bathroom, etc.

What was I doing?  I was outside cleaning my golf clubs with my son.  I would rinse the clubs and then use my handy brush to clean the clubs.  Then I would rinse again, hand the club to my son who was supposed to have the next club ready to hand me while he would dry them off.  I got a little upset with him because he wasn’t drying them thoroughly.  So we switched.  He rinsed, I brushed, he rinsed, I dried.  The problem was he thought it was fun to play with the water so he kept spraying water everywhere which really annoyed me.

I have 12 clubs so it took awhile to clean each one.  Some clubs required double the cleaning.  After about an hour I come back into the house with my son.  I give my wife my golf towel and I ask her to wash it before my golf game the next day.  I go to the sofa and I start watching the golf channel to get some last minute tips.  She walks by and says, “You have no conscience!”

I replied, “What?”

She said, “I have been getting the house ready for our guests while you and your son ignore me and the house so you can clean your golf clubs?”

I replied, “What?  What are you saying?  Are you saying you need help?”

My wife says, “Yes that would be nice.”

I yell, “#3!!!!  Come downstairs and help your mother clean the house!”

I wish I could tell you that this story isn’t true but unfortunately for my wife, it is.  I know it is wrong in hindsight but at the moment I couldn’t understand.  What can I say?  Love makes you do stupid things.

Filed under: Uncategorized

2 Responses

  1. Matt says:

    Pastor Alex, I know you’ve heard this many times, but your wife is a freaking saint. God must love you. A LOT 🙂

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